Author List: Rivard, Suzanne; Lapointe, Liette;
MIS Quarterly, 2012, Volume 36, Issue 3, Page 897-A5.
User resistance has long been acknowledged as a critical issue during information technology implementation. Resistance can be functional when it signals the existence of problems with the IT or with its effects; it will be dysfunctional when it leads to organizational disruption. Notwithstanding the nature of resistance, the implementers--business managers, functional managers, or IT professionals--have to address it. Although the literature recognizes the importance of user resistance, it has paid little attention to implementers' responses--and their effect--when resistance occurs. Our study focuses on this phenomenon, and addresses two questions: What are implementers' responses to user resistance? What are the effects of these responses on user resistance? To answer these questions, we conducted a case survey, which combines the richness of case studies with the benefits of analyzing large quantities of data. Our case database includes 89 cases with a total of 137 episodes of resistance. In response to our first research question, we propose a taxonomy that includes four categories of implementers' responses to user resistance: inaction, acknowledgment, rectification, and dissuasion. To answer our second question, we adopted a set-theoretic analysis approach, which we enriched with content analysis of the cases. Based on these analyses, we offer a theoretical explanation of how implementers' responses may affect the antecedents that earlier research found to be associated with user resistance behaviors.
Keywords: case survey; information technology implementation; theory building; User resistance

List of Topics

#284 0.187 users user new resistance likely benefits potential perspective status actual behavior recognition propose user's social associated existing base using acceptance
#219 0.182 response responses different survey questions results research activities respond benefits certain leads two-stage interactions study address respondents question directly categories
#68 0.168 business units study unit executives functional managers technology linkage need areas information long-term operations plans mission large understand knowledge current
#138 0.101 use question opportunities particular identify information grammars researchers shown conceptual ontological given facilitate new little constraints dual answer post-adoption theory
#185 0.098 change organizational implementation case study changes management organizations technology organization analysis successful success equilibrium radical efforts initiatives managing resistance individuals
#285 0.083 effects effect research data studies empirical information literature different interaction analysis implications findings results important set large provide using paper
#110 0.057 theory theories theoretical paper new understanding work practical explain empirical contribution phenomenon literature second implications different building based insights need