Author List: Grover, Varun; Straub, Detmar; Galluch, Pamela;
MIS Quarterly, 2009, Volume 33, Issue 1, Page iii-viii.
The article discusses the importance of positive thinking in the field of information systems (IS). Too often the emphasis at conferences and in published papers is on relatively negative aspects such as whether IS qualifies as a discipline, an alleged identity crisis for IS, and other perceived shortcomings. The authors propose three principles for remedying this state of affairs. Scholars need to give due recognition to the successes that have been achieved in IS, they need to devote less effort to describing problems and more to solving them, and they need to act as more responsible stewards of IS.

List of Topics

#21 0.266 research information systems science field discipline researchers principles practice core methods area reference relevance conclude set focus propose perspective inquiry
#65 0.220 article information author discusses comments technology paper presents states explains editor's authors issue focuses topics include suggests systems role editorial
#227 0.184 commitment need practitioners studies potential role consider difficult models result importance influence researchers established conduct investigated establishing appear clearly determining
#166 0.094 negative positive effect findings results effects blog suggest role blogs posts examined period relationship employees research employee bloggers reveal companies
#31 0.084 problem problems solution solving problem-solving solutions reasoning heuristic theorizing rules solve general generating complex example formulation heuristics effective given finding