Author List: Saunders, Carol;
MIS Quarterly, 2007, Volume 31, Issue 4, Page iii-xi.
The author focuses on the importance of time. Particular attention is given to the author's reflections on time, his research on previous articles published in "MIS Quarterly" that deal with time, as well as how time is viewed in various research studies and surveys. Article topics include the author's thoughts on the various aspects of time, how Americans generally spend their time, how to use time in building and refining theories and conducing research, Information Systems research, and how the author views time as his term as Editor-in-Chief of the journal draws to a close.

List of Topics

#38 0.474 editorial article systems journal information issue introduction research presents editors quarterly author mis isr editor new associate board senior review
#193 0.326 time use size second appears form larger benefits combined studies reasons selected underlying appear various significantly result include make attention
#125 0.065 framework model used conceptual proposed given particular general concept frameworks literature developed develop providing paper developing guidelines concepts appropriate set