Author List: Mitchell, Victoria L.;
MIS Quarterly, 2006, Volume 30, Issue 4, Page 919-939.
Successful product and process design depends on management's ability to integrate fragmented pockets of specialized knowledge. This integrative capability has important implications for large-scale information technology projects. This article examines the relationship between timely project completion and two dimensions of management's integrative capability: access to external knowledge and internal knowledge integration. Measures of these two dimensions are used to predict on-time project completion, where completion is a function of the duration of IT-related project delays. In a longitudinal study of 74 enterprise application integration projects in the medical sector, integrative capability was measured from the point of view of the CIO and a facility IT manager. Accounting for several project controls, our Cox regression results indicate both integrative dimensions significantly mitigate the duration of IT-related project delays, thus promoting timely project completion. The analysis also reveals the importance of taking management structure into consideration when studying IT phenomena in networked organizations.
Keywords: IT performance; MIS management; knowledge management; management structure; integrative capabilities; dynamic capabilities; project delay

List of Topics

#139 0.197 project projects failure software commitment escalation cost factors study problem resources continue prior escalate overruns taken failing troubled sunk fail
#244 0.131 structure integration complex business enhancement effects access extent analyzing volatile capture requires occurs pattern enables independent integrative structured decision-making costs
#144 0.126 knowledge transfer management technology creation organizational process tacit research study organization processes work organizations implications practice explicit models consultants transfers
#123 0.120 information strategy strategic technology management systems competitive executives role cio chief senior executive cios sis support organization officer position ceos
#48 0.097 dimensions electronic multidimensional game transactions relative contrast channels theory sustained model predict dimension mixture evolutionary results unique traditional likely finite
#59 0.093 capabilities capability firm firms performance resources business information technology firm's resource-based competitive it-enabled view study value infrastructure results organizational model