Author List: Backhouse, James; Hsu, Carol W.; Silva, Leiser;
MIS Quarterly, 2006, Volume 30, Issue 0, Page 413-438.
This paper addresses the role of power and politics in setting standards. It examines the interaction of external contingencies, powerful agents, resources, meaning, and membership of relevant social and institutional groupings in generating successful political outcomes. To study these interactions, the paper adopts the circuits of power, a theoretical framework taken from the social sciences, and applies it to understanding the creation and development of the first standard in information security management. An informal group of UK security chiefs sparked off a process which led first to BS7799, the British standard, and later to ISO 17799, the international standard. The case study portrays how the institutionalization of this ad hoc development process results from the interactions of power among the stakeholders involved. The case study also shows how the different interests and objectives of the stakeholders were influenced by exogenous contingencies and institutional forces. The paper discusses theoretical and practical implications for the future development of such standards.
Keywords: information systems security management; information systems security standards; institutionalization; Power and politics; security management code of practice

List of Topics

#282 0.271 power perspective process study rational political perspectives politics theoretical longitudinal case social rationality formation construction shows multiple instead understanding fact
#110 0.113 theory theories theoretical paper new understanding work practical explain empirical contribution phenomenon literature second implications different building based insights need
#240 0.106 systems information management development presented function article discussed model personnel general organization described presents finally computer-based role examined functional components
#135 0.091 project projects development management isd results process team developed managers teams software stakeholders successful complex develop contingencies problems greater planning
#186 0.085 security information compliance policy organizations breach disclosure policies deterrence breaches incidents results study abuse managed isp violations based comply protection
#117 0.075 standards interorganizational ios standardization standard systems compatibility effects cooperation firms industry benefits open interoperability key heterogeneous vertical propose vendors collective