Author List: Lee, Ho Geun; Clark, Theodore; Tam, Kar Yan;
Information Systems Research, 1999, Volume 10, Issue 2, Page 186-195.
Although the potential for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) to improve performance of firms involved in industry value chain is widely known, little evidence regarding improved performance for the entire supply channel has been reported. Some researchers have found that EDI networks can benefit EDI champion, but it remains largely unclear whether EDI adopters--who are often coerced to implement the electronic networks by the champion--gain similar payoffs from their EDI investments. To measure impacts of EDI investments for the EDI adopters, we have investigated the performance of 31 grocery retail chains (EDI adopters) that implemented EDI networks with Campbell (EDI champion) for a supply channel reengineering innovation known as "continuous replenishment process." Analysis of daily data on inventory and stockouts levels for the 31 retail chains demonstrates that these EDI adopters have achieved a significant increase in their inventory turns while simultaneously reducing stockouts as a result of this EDI-enabled supply channel reengineering. This paper thus provides empirical evidence that EDI adopters can achieve dramatic performance improvements if EDI networks are used for inter firm process reengineering.
Keywords: Channel Process Reengineering; Continuous Replenishment Process; Electronic Data Interchange; Interorganizational Systems

List of Topics

#101 0.432 edi electronic data interchange b2b exchange exchanges interorganizational partners adoption transaction trading supplier factors business suppliers impact network commerce efficiency
#69 0.129 process business reengineering processes bpr redesign paper research suggests provide past improvements manage enable organizations regarding focal cycle creating issues
#52 0.113 supply chain information suppliers supplier partners relationships integration use chains technology interorganizational sharing systems procurement buyer interfirm coordination enterprises flexibility
#271 0.083 technology investments investment information firm firms profitability value performance impact data higher evidence diversification industry payoff return findings decisions greater
#104 0.067 action research engagement principles model literature actions focus provides developed process emerging establish field build guidance known project elements insights
#114 0.066 performance firm measures metrics value relationship firms results objective relationships firm's organizational traffic measure market study improve accounting measuring aggregate