Author List: Jasperson, Jon (Sean); Carter, Pamela E.; Zmud, Robert W.;
MIS Quarterly, 2005, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 525-557.
For the last 25 years, organizations have invested heavily in information technology to support their work processes. In today's organizations, intra-and interorganizational work systems are increasingly IT-enabled. Available evidence, however, suggests the functional potential of these installed IT applications is underutilized. Most IT users apply a narrow band of features, operate at low levels of feature use, and rarely initiate extensions of the available features. We argue that organizations need aggressive tactics to encourage users to expand their use of installed IT-enabled work systems. This article strives to accomplish three primary research objectives. First, we offer a comprehensive research model aimed both at coalescing existing research on post-adoptive IT use behaviors and at directing future research on those factors that influence users to (continuously) exploit and extend the functionality built into IT applications. Second, in developing this comprehensive research model, we provide a window (for researchers across a variety of scientific disciplines interested in technology management) into the rich body of research regarding IT adoption, use, and diffusion. Finally, we discuss implications and recommend guidelines for research and practice.
Keywords: IT adoption; IT use; IT value; post-adoptive behavior

List of Topics

#174 0.171 use support information effective behaviors work usage examine extent users expertise uses longitudinal focus routine revealed volume constructs contributes operations
#222 0.144 research researchers framework future information systems important present agenda identify areas provide understanding contributions using literature studies paper potential review
#26 0.120 business large organizations using work changing rapidly make today's available designed need increasingly recent manage years activity important allow achieve
#159 0.113 systems information objectives organization organizational development variety needs need efforts technical organizations developing suggest given effective designing lack help recent
#134 0.089 users end use professionals user organizations applications needs packages findings perform specialists technical computing direct future selection ability help software
#32 0.086 research studies issues researchers scientific methodological article conducting conduct advanced rigor researcher methodology practitioner issue relevance findings validation papers published
#106 0.069 integration present offer processes integrating current discuss perspectives related quality literature integrated benefits measures potential regarding issues finally taken propose
#49 0.058 adoption diffusion technology adopters innovation adopt process information potential innovations influence new characteristics early adopting set compatibility time initial current
#59 0.058 capabilities capability firm firms performance resources business information technology firm's resource-based competitive it-enabled view study value infrastructure results organizational model