Author List: Sharma, Rajeev; Yetton, Philip;
MIS Quarterly, 2003, Volume 27, Issue 4, Page 533-555.
Management support is considered to be a critical factor in the successful implementation of information systems innovations. The literature suggests a complex relationship between management support and implementation success. However, the empirical literature typically hypothesizes and tests a simple main-effects model. Drawing upon the role of the institutional context and metastructuration actions, we propose a contingent model in which task interdependence moderates the effect of management support on implementation success. A meta-analysis of the empirical literature provides strong support for the model and begins to explain the wide variance in empirical findings. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.
Keywords: contingency models; IS implementation; IS success; IS utilization; management support; meta-analysis; task interdependence

List of Topics

#198 0.382 factors success information critical management implementation study factor successful systems support quality variables related results key model csf importance determinants
#108 0.213 model research data results study using theoretical influence findings theory support implications test collected tested based empirical empirically context paper
#285 0.199 effects effect research data studies empirical information literature different interaction analysis implications findings results important set large provide using paper
#224 0.070 complexity task environments e-business environment factors technology characteristics literature affect influence role important relationship model organizational contingent actual map dimension