Author List: Schultze, Ulrike;
MIS Quarterly, 2000, Volume 24, Issue 1, Page 3/1/1941.
Information systems research has traditionally focused on information as an object that serves as input to decision making. Such a perspective attends mainly to the use of information. Increasingly, however, organizations are concerned about the production of information. This paper focuses on the work of producing informational objects, an activity central to knowledge work. Based on data collected during an eight-month ethnographic study of three groups of knowledge workers--computer system administrators, competitive intelligence analysts, and librarians--I explore the informing practices they relied upon. These are identified as ex-pressing, monitoring, and translating. Common to these informing practices is the knowledge workers' endeavor to balance subjectivity and objectivity, where subjectivity is a necessary part of doing value adding work and objectivity promises workers authority and a sense of security. Recognizing that researchers are knowledge workers too, I draw on my own experiences as an ethnographic researcher to identify parallels between my informing practices and those of the knowledge workers I studied. These parallels are intended to challenge the taken-for-granted assumptions underlying scientific practice. l adopt a confessional genre of representation for this purpose.
Keywords: Social science; ethnography; evaluation criteria; practice; confessional genre of representation; objectivity; subjectivity; reflexivity; information; knowledge creation

List of Topics

#237 0.223 boundary practices capacity new boundaries use practice absorptive organizational technology work field multiple study objects actors actor theory practical spanning
#146 0.215 work people workers environment monitoring performance organizations needs physical useful number personal balance perceptions create computer-based technological technologies investigation achievement
#245 0.131 knowledge sharing contribution practice electronic expertise individuals repositories management technical repository knowledge-sharing shared contributors novelty features peripheral share benefit seekers
#194 0.092 use habit input automatic features modification different cognition rules account continuing underlying genre emotion way light triggers conscious triggered habitual
#32 0.081 research studies issues researchers scientific methodological article conducting conduct advanced rigor researcher methodology practitioner issue relevance findings validation papers published
#170 0.062 information processing needs based lead make exchange situation examined ownership analytical improved situations changes informational examine developed receive perceptions facilitates