Author List: Kambil, Ajit; van Heck, Eric;
Information Systems Research, 1998, Volume 9, Issue 1, Page 1.
This paper specifies a generalizable model of exchange processes and develops a process-stakeholder analysis framework to evaluate alternative market designs. This framework is applied to analyze a number of information technology initiatives in the Dutch flower markets. The Dutch flower auctions are the world's leading centers for trading cut flowers and potted plants. We undertake a cross-case analysis and apply our framework to analyse successes and failures in the introduction of new IT-based trading mechanisms in these markets. Based on our study, we develop a number of testable propositions on: the separation of physical and informational processes in trading, the responses of stakeholders to changes in available information due to IT initiatives, and economic and incentive conditions required for adoption of new trading processes. Finally, our detailed cases illustrate the institutional and incentive constraints, and complexities encountered in the introduction of new electronic markets.
Keywords: Electronic Markets; Reengineering; Technology Adoption; Transaction Costs

List of Topics

#30 0.232 market trading markets exchange traders trade transaction financial orders securities significant established number exchanges regulatory structures order traditional stock provides
#84 0.141 electronic markets commerce market new efficiency suppliers internet changes marketplace analysis suggests b2b marketplaces industry examine easy product making physical
#292 0.125 information research literature systems framework review paper theoretical based potential future implications practice discussed current concept propositions findings provided extant
#0 0.121 information types different type sources analysis develop used behavior specific conditions consider improve using alternative understanding data available main target
#69 0.119 process business reengineering processes bpr redesign paper research suggests provide past improvements manage enable organizations regarding focal cycle creating issues
#49 0.068 adoption diffusion technology adopters innovation adopt process information potential innovations influence new characteristics early adopting set compatibility time initial current
#91 0.054 auctions auction bidding bidders bid combinatorial bids online bidder strategies sequential prices design price using outcomes behavior theoretical computational efficiency