Author List: Newman, Michael; Robey, Daniel;
MIS Quarterly, 1992, Volume 16, Issue 2, Page 249-266.
The development of an information system is a social process involving users and systems analysts, carried out in an organizational setting. This paper presents a process model of user-analyst relationships to guide research into the social dynamics of system development. The model identifies antecedent conditions, encounters, episodes, and outcomes over the course of a project. The model asserts that established relationships between analysts and users will persist unless critical encounters change the trajectory of the project. By conceiving of systems development as a series of encounters and episodes, researchers may identify critical encounters and study the connections between preceding events and their consequences. Practitioners may use the model to diagnose problems and to enact critical encounters that move a project in a different direction. The descriptive and predictive capacities of the process model are illustrated with two case studies.
Keywords: Information systems development; social process models; user participation

List of Topics

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#82 0.207 case study studies paper use research analysis interpretive identify qualitative approach understanding critical development managerial elements exploring points positivist presents
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#191 0.084 model models process analysis paper management support used environment decision provides based develop use using help literature mathematical presented formulation
#234 0.084 social networks influence presence interactions network media networking diffusion implications individuals people results exchange paper sites evidence self-disclosure important examine
#135 0.074 project projects development management isd results process team developed managers teams software stakeholders successful complex develop contingencies problems greater planning
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