Author List: Main, Thomas J.; Short, James E.;
MIS Quarterly, 1989, Volume 13, Issue 4, Page 469-484.
In mid-1987, Baxter Healthcare Corporation undertook a major IS strategic planning study on the heels of the company's merger with American Hospital Supply. Central to this planning effort was the building of a new level of partnership between business and IS managers in the new corporation. This article describes Baxter's seven-month planning effort and the role of this effort in building the partnership. Two specific planning behaviors are noted for their contribution: dual purpose executive interviews, designed to both elicit information and provide a basis for executive understanding of planning options; and "micro" and "macro" analysis templates, which served to focus and clarify planning activities and options at both local and global levels within the firm. Several key components in effective partnership -- shared knowledge, shared commitment, and shared decision making -- were therefore encouraged and supported by this approach.
Keywords: IT organization; IT planning methodologies; partnership; Strategic IS planning

List of Topics

#78 0.210 planning strategic process management plan operational implementation critical used tactical effectiveness number identified activities years effective developed issues empirical plans
#119 0.169 implementation systems article describes management successful approach lessons design learned technical staff used effort developed organization experiences large managing discusses
#16 0.138 infrastructure information flexibility new paper technology building infrastructures flexible development human creating provide despite challenge possible resources specific advances developing
#238 0.095 shared contribution groups understanding contributions group contribute work make members experience phenomenon largely central key common especially major conceptualizing study
#274 0.092 outsourcing transaction cost partnership information economics relationships outsource large-scale contracts specificity perspective decisions long-term develop requirements economic association factors hypotheses
#267 0.060 options real investment option investments model valuation technology value analysis uncertainty portfolio models using context intuitive managerial regret uncertain case