Author List: Lederer, Albert L.; Mendelow, Aubrey L.;
MIS Quarterly, 1988, Volume 12, Issue 4, Page 525-534.
Recent research has shown that the difficulty of convincing top management of the potential strategic impact of information systems impedes information systems planning. Interviews with 20 top information systems executives revealed reasons for this difficulty and techniques that they use in attempting to overcome it. The results suggest the importance of information systems executives' skills and activities necessary for the selling of information systems products and services. The research also raises three controversial questions for future investigators.
Keywords: information management; information systems; Planning

List of Topics

#123 0.377 information strategy strategic technology management systems competitive executives role cio chief senior executive cios sis support organization officer position ceos
#61 0.162 reuse results anchoring potential strategy assets leading reusability incentives impact bias situations effect similarity existing extraction reusable improvement necessary enhancing
#222 0.082 research researchers framework future information systems important present agenda identify areas provide understanding contributions using literature studies paper potential review
#159 0.071 systems information objectives organization organizational development variety needs need efforts technical organizations developing suggest given effective designing lack help recent