Author List: Kasper, George M.;
Information Systems Research, 1996, Volume 7, Issue 2, Page 215-232.
A theory is proposed for designing decision support systems (DSS) so that the confidence a decision maker has in a decision made using the aid equals the quality of that decision. The DSS design theory for user calibration prescribes properties of a DSS needed for users to achieve perfect calibration. Relevant calibration, decision making, and DSS literatures are synthesized; and related behavioral theories are borrowed to identify the properties of expressiveness, visibility, and inquirability as requisite components of the DSS design theory for user calibration.
Keywords: Decision Confidence Calibration; Decision Support Systems; Design Theory; Information Systems Design; Judgment

List of Topics

#113 0.449 support decision dss systems guidance process making environments decisional users features capabilities provide decision-making user paper findings systems.decision components computer-based
#287 0.264 design systems support development information proposed approach tools using engineering current described developing prototype flexible built architecture environment integrated designing
#110 0.164 theory theories theoretical paper new understanding work practical explain empirical contribution phenomenon literature second implications different building based insights need