Author List: Sikora, Riyaz; Shaw, Michael J.;
Information Systems Research, 1996, Volume 7, Issue 2, Page 189-197.
This report is concerned with a rule learning system called the Distributed Learning System (DLS). Its objective is two-fold: First, as the main contribution, the DLS as a rule-earning technique is described and the resulting computational performance is presented, with definitive computational benefits clearly demonstrated to show the efficacy of using the DLS. Second, the important parameters of the DLS are identified to show the characteristics of the Group Problem Solving (GPS) strategy as implemented in the DLS. On one hand this helps us pinpoint the critical designs of the DLS for effective rule learning; on the other hand this analysis can provide insight into the use of GPS as a more general rule-learning strategy.
Keywords: Genetic Algorithms; Group Learning; Group Problem Solving; Hybrid Learning System

List of Topics

#71 0.266 distributed agents agent intelligent environments environment smart computational environmental scheduling human rule using does embodied provide trends computer-aided heterogeneous inventory
#187 0.147 learning model optimal rate hand domain effort increasing curve result experts explicit strategies estimate acquire learn referral observational skills activities
#31 0.104 problem problems solution solving problem-solving solutions reasoning heuristic theorizing rules solve general generating complex example formulation heuristics effective given finding
#233 0.103 group gss support groups systems brainstorming research process electronic members results paper effects individual ebs using used anonymity ideas discussion
#10 0.079 strategies strategy based effort paper different findings approach suggest useful choice specific attributes explain effective affect employ particular online control
#37 0.074 intelligence business discovery framework text knowledge new existing visualization based analyzing mining genetic algorithms related techniques large proposed novel artificial